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20251 schreibtisch rolltop desk walnuss usa 1910

Article Number:
Article Name:
Desk - Rolltop Desk
around 1910
H 78 cm/128 cm W 137 cm D 85 cm
Solid walnut, reddish stained and clear lacquered. Fittings brass with protective coating.
good original condition
Special Remarks:
few signs of wear. One of the first pieces of writing furniture to be manufactured entirely by hand in small batches. Probably made in the USA for the English market. The central lock on the roller shutter is marked "YALE", the American manufacturer of patent locks. The furniture can be easily dismantled for transport.
3.770,00 €
eBay Auktion:
about this Object:

We are offering this magnificent "ROLL TOP DESK" USA from around 1910 from the estate of an art collector with an affinity for design. The name comes from the blind which, when closed, closes off the entire desk. The whole piece of furniture is solidly made in wonderful "American Walnut". The piece of furniture has been preserved in very good, original condition, it can be placed freely due to the production process, the outsides have the fine cassettes everywhere. The writing furniture was designed as a mobile, full-fledged workplace, the original, ball-bearing mounted castors in iron are still mounted under the boxes and allow the office to be easily mobile. Under the blind there are paper and pen holders, compartments for papers of different formats, a felt-covered worktop. In order to enlarge the worktop, the side panels of the blind guide can be folded down with finely crafted hinges. Overall, the materiality, functionality and workmanship of this professional piece of writing furniture is impressive.

Further Informations:

20252 schreibtisch rolltop desk walnuss usa 1910 20253 schreibtisch rolltop desk walnuss usa 1910 20254 schreibtisch rolltop desk walnuss usa 1910 20255 schreibtisch rolltop desk walnuss usa 1910

20256 schreibtisch rolltop desk walnuss usa 1910 20257 schreibtisch rolltop desk walnuss usa 1910 20258 schreibtisch rolltop desk walnuss usa 1910 20259 schreibtisch rolltop desk walnuss usa 1910
202510 schreibtisch rolltop desk walnuss usa 1910 202511 schreibtisch rolltop desk walnuss usa 1910 202512 schreibtisch rolltop desk walnuss usa 1910 202513 schreibtisch rolltop desk walnuss usa 1910
202514 schreibtisch rolltop desk walnuss usa 1910 202515 schreibtisch rolltop desk walnuss usa 1910 202516 schreibtisch rolltop desk walnuss usa 1910 202521 schreibtisch rolltop desk walnuss usa 1910
202522 schreibtisch rolltop desk walnuss usa 1910 202523 schreibtisch rolltop desk walnuss usa 1910